Be part of a change you want to see in the world
Dear Friends,
It is with great pleasure that I accepted the role of President of Friends of Paradis des Indiens, Inc and the opportunity to lead and work with a very dynamic all-volunteer team.
Considering all the problems Haiti is currently facing, it is fundamental that we continue to support the Foundation Paradis des Indiens, in Abricots. Despite all types of difficulties, they are doing their utmost to provide quality education to the children of Abricots. Friends of Paradis des Indiens’ objective is to ensure that the children in Abricots have access to education, that the adults in the region have work and are able to support themselves and their families.
With your help, the schools of Paradis des Indiens will continue to provide quality education to the children whose families cannot afford to pay tuition and the Foundation will pursue the possibility of establishing small businesses that will make the people of Abricots self-sufficient. They need our help.
These are ambitious goals, but not an impossible dream. We hope that you will continue to give us your support and through Friends of Paradis des Indiens, Inc. help the people of Abricots, Haiti.
Best regards,
Katia Lebrun-Célestin